Friday, January 4, 2013

Week один - Shimmer [Parker]

I think I have found a picture that is probably as masculine as you can get with the word shimmer. Really, girls? Shimmer? But I digress. I hope to add a bit of darkness and mystery to this blog and as I don't speak Russian, the language is perfect for the numbers of my postings. Even I don't know what it means. That makes it about as mysterious as you can get.

I also took some pictures to satisfy the typical definition of shimmer but I find these to be much less interesting.

I might just keep adding pictures throughout the week when I take ones I like. That way you will never know how many pictures I am going to put up. How mysterious.


  1. I find it amusing that you chose Russian since I am sort of attempting to learn Russian. I know the first ten Russian numbers so they aren't very mysterious to me. By the way, I like the pictures.


    1. I will have to find a new language. I can't go around having someone remaining un-mystified.

  2. Parker, we could always look it up. And then it would be a mystery.

  3. Parker, I told Aaron he had the most shimmery picture, and then I checked to make sure I really thought that, and found you had to go and post that picture. That is cool. And shimmery. Not even in a typical way.


What did you think about this post? What was your favorite picture? Here at The Visualization Project, we love comments and feedback from people like you. Let us know what you thought!