Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The History of The Visualization Project

It all started when Rebekah Zellers was thinking about her photography for the next year.

She had never really had any goals when it came to photography- she took pictures of things she found cool, and sometimes the pictures turned out quite nice, but she never really had an objective. So, she was thinking about what she wanted to change the next year, and she decided that she wanted to do the 365 challenge. (Jeannette Beerbower had already completed this project, and Parker was well on his way on it.) However, she had another idea- what if she did a more involved challenge- what if she picked a word each week, and had to visually communicate it through a picture, and then post what you came up with on her blog? She decided it was a good idea.

So, she told Jeannette and Parker about it via facebook, and Jeannette and Rebekah started a long facebook conversation late at night. Jeannette liked the idea, and they brainstormed a long list of words they'd like to do. (Sadly, Parker was asleep at one in the morning, and when he got up, it took him ten minutes to read the girls' conversation.) Jeannette had an awesome idea to add to Rebekah's- what if they started a separate blog- one that they could collectively post on?

Rebekah liked that idea (hey, designing blogs is fun, right?), and she got to work right away on the blog.

And so, The Visualization Project was born.

We are excited to see how this blog plays out, and we're excited to see ourselves grow in our photography. If you'd like, you are more than welcome to check back on our adventure week by week! We'd love to hear your thoughts on the blog, and on our future posts.

Let's see how this goes.

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