Friday, February 28, 2014

Personal Project- The Adventures of Sir Edwin [Rebekah]

When the famous Sir Edwin contacted me about being his personal adventure photographer, I was pretty excited.

For those of you who aren't up on international news, let me introduce him to you. Sir Edwin Crittenden started out his exciting life (so he wasn't "Sir" yet at this point)by moving from his nice little home in the great city of London to an aviation base as a young plane mechanic for the RAF during WWII. Sir Edwin personally tightened every nut and bolt in Mr. Winston Churchill's official private plane, making sure that the Prime Minister wouldn't have to inconveniently land in the middle of hostile Germany (we can't imagine that would have ended well). After the end of the war, Sir Edwin went back to his house in London, but realized its bricks were no more- it had been tragically bombed by the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain. Without a home to be tied down to, Sir Edwin began to have the itch for adventure. So, one of the first things Sir Edwin decided to do was to be the first man to ever climb the famous mountain, Mount Everbusy, with nothing but his trusty wrench (the same wrench he used on Mr. Churchill's plane, of course). This daring feat gave him his fame and knighthood (he was knighted by the late King George VI himself! He's still pretty excited about that), and he's been traveling ever since.

Sir Edwin is really a lovely man. He is as cheerful as he looks, and speaks with the most charming English accent. His funny little mustache is always immaculate, and the way he handles his wrench is something to behold. He's a little yellow from serving his King and Country by breathing in plane fumes, but please don't tease him about's actually one of the few things he gets offended about. Anyway, Sir Edwin has a true love of adventure and exploration, and his greatest desire is to share his excursions to new destinations with others, opening people's eyes to the great wild place that is Everywhere.

There are several adventures in the works for this year, with one already completed (you'll see it soon!). If all of them are anything like this first adventure, they will turn out splendidly. We're both very excited to see what the future holds.

We did a portrait shoot to introduce Sir Edwin to you before we whisk you off to a foreign land.

Meet Sir Edwin, everybody!

Friday, February 14, 2014

January - Self Portrait [Aaron]

Hello all! 
My name is Aaron and this will be my second year here at the Visualization Project. I am very excited to share my photos with you guys this year as we progress throughout the months, and am happy to hear feedback from you all as you view my work! 

Before I share a little bit about myself, I'd like to apologize in advance for my tardiness in posting January's self-portrait project. Last month I had an unfortunate incident where my camera fell, causing the lens to somehow become stuck. So right now I have my recent Christmas gift, Canon's 50mm lens, firmly fixated to my camera, which definitely made self-portrait difficult. Thankfully I was still able to use it to take some pictures though. So again, sorry about that; I hope you enjoy the following posts I have this year!

This is me.

I have a strong appreciation for photography, and the endless styles in which a plain image can be transformed into a masterpiece of art. 

Capturing an image is like freezing time. It's taking a moment of the present and pausing it to reflect on for the rest of time. 
This is perhaps one of my favorite things about photography.

I also love finding the perfect lighting to capture a moment you can remember forever. 

Basketball is another creative outlet that I enjoy. Although I have never played competitive basketball before, I am now in my second year of playing on Monclova Christian Academy's varsity basketball team, and have decided that I will definitely be staying for the rest of my high school career.  

Music is also one of my passions. For over seven years I have played the piano, and enjoy playing in my youth group service every Wednesday, as well as playing at local and state-wide competitions. 

 Lastly, I'd like to give all the glory of everything I am capable of doing to God. Although I love many things this world has to offer, nothing comes close to how much I love the Bible and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Him I would be nothing, and I am proud to be able to do everything I can for Him and His glory. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January - Self-Portrait [Nick]

Hello! Haven't we met before? I'm Nick. Remember? Yes, I am now back on track with my photographs, in case you were wondering. Let me share a little about my odd and sometimes rather clueless self for this month's project.

So here's me. Basically.

I like to take pictures. It's kinda cool, I guess (obviously I am sarcastic. It is very cool. Try it.).

I also like to draw. Sketch. Shade. Smudge. Erase. Repeat. 

Also, still on the topic of drawing, I sometimes doodle on myself. My left hand is the perfect canvas! I guess you could say that these doodles on my hand represent my strange and confused mind. (Don't worry. It all washed off the next day. Most of it. And no, I in fact did not get ink poisoning.)

Everyone stop. Yes, I sometimes take selfies with my mom. (This is back when I had shorter hair, ladies and gentlemen.) The only problem is I am the only one who really knows when we're taking a selfie. Hence this candid shot. Enjoy.

When I was a kid, Calvin and Hobbes was my favorite thing to read. I would spend hours reading (but rarely ever understanding) the jokes and punch lines of the famous strip. I still do love Calvin and Hobbes, and it will remain my favorite until the day I die. 

Another thing about me is that I love art. 
Shapes. Design. Shading. Color. Art is amazing. Art is God's creation. Color is God's creation. God is so incredibly amazing.

I took quite some time to finish these. It turned out nicer than I thought it would, though. At least I hope.