Saturday, February 1, 2014

January - Self-Portrait [Nick]

Hello! Haven't we met before? I'm Nick. Remember? Yes, I am now back on track with my photographs, in case you were wondering. Let me share a little about my odd and sometimes rather clueless self for this month's project.

So here's me. Basically.

I like to take pictures. It's kinda cool, I guess (obviously I am sarcastic. It is very cool. Try it.).

I also like to draw. Sketch. Shade. Smudge. Erase. Repeat. 

Also, still on the topic of drawing, I sometimes doodle on myself. My left hand is the perfect canvas! I guess you could say that these doodles on my hand represent my strange and confused mind. (Don't worry. It all washed off the next day. Most of it. And no, I in fact did not get ink poisoning.)

Everyone stop. Yes, I sometimes take selfies with my mom. (This is back when I had shorter hair, ladies and gentlemen.) The only problem is I am the only one who really knows when we're taking a selfie. Hence this candid shot. Enjoy.

When I was a kid, Calvin and Hobbes was my favorite thing to read. I would spend hours reading (but rarely ever understanding) the jokes and punch lines of the famous strip. I still do love Calvin and Hobbes, and it will remain my favorite until the day I die. 

Another thing about me is that I love art. 
Shapes. Design. Shading. Color. Art is amazing. Art is God's creation. Color is God's creation. God is so incredibly amazing.

I took quite some time to finish these. It turned out nicer than I thought it would, though. At least I hope. 


  1. Woah, Nick. You know I was looking forward to seeing your post, but this exceeded my expectations. They are unique and creative. I like your portrait-like you said, it's basically you. And the color ones...I highly, highly approve. The changing colors, the look on your face, the's great. Plus the hand one and the selfie are so fun. Great pictures await, indeed. Good job, Nick!

  2. Calvin and Hobbes is truly amazing. I also like the picture you took of the Calvin and Hobbes books. It has a feeling of age and that they have been well used.


What did you think about this post? What was your favorite picture? Here at The Visualization Project, we love comments and feedback from people like you. Let us know what you thought!