Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 25 - Doubt [Rebekah]

It's easy to be doubtful when the skies are pouring rain, your feet get all muddy, and the only thing that keeps the wetness from invading your clothes is the umbrella you hold above your head. You have that sort of doubt that makes you want to not face the world, to curl up and comfort yourself with some hot tea and a book. It's not like you exactly doubt that the sun will come out tomorrow. Well, ok, perhaps you have doubts about it coming out tomorrow, but you know that someday the sun will shine again. You know the clouds will disappear at some point.

Then why so glum, if you have that knowledge of glory ahead?

King David wondered that himself in Psalm 42.

"Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you cast down within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him,
my salvation and my God."

In reality, we have no reason to be glum or doubtful. God will provide.

Here's doubt.

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