Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Movie Visualization- Mary Poppins [Rebekah]

Mary Poppins is a movie full of wonderful absurdities. From Mary floating in the air suspended by an umbrella, to cleaning the Banks children's rooms by snapping fingers, to jumping into a magical chalk land where Bert dances with penguins and goes on a fox hunt riding on merry-go-round horses, to an odd laughing man clinging to the top of the ceiling, to an army of dirty chimneysweeps stepping in time on rooftops- it's all absurd and awesome. And it's a classic, a movie that everybody knows. Those reasons would be why I chose it for this particular project. And it turned out beautifully.

Here's Mary Poppins, from my eyes.

I hope you enjoyed seeing this as much as I enjoyed putting this together. It was really a lot of fun, from coming up with the idea, to shooting the pictures, to editing. It was a long process- but all good and fun.

I would like to thank Stephen and Mercy Olson immensely for their time and effort put into being Bert and Mary. They did a marvelous job on their costumes and the whole photoshoot turned out wonderfully! Thanks guys! :)


  1. Nice job Rebekah! I especially like the one with Stephen and the penguins!!

    1. Thanks, Jonathan! :) I didn't even know you knew about this blog. Haha...that picture turned out so silly...

  2. I love this!! Mary Poppins is definitely a classic that was a huge part of my childhood. ;) All of the pictures are great! Mercy makes a good Mary. I think my favorite is the one where they are arm in arm and it kinda looks like they are skipping down the driveway. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Thanks, Ruthie! :) Oddly enough, I only remember watching Mary Poppins once or twice when I was little, and I didn't really get it. The whole part where they were in the chalk land befuddled me...haha. I am glad you enjoyed this! I agree, Mercy made an amazing Mary Poppins. Both Stephen and Mercy were awesome :)

  3. Rebekah you and Jeannette can fight over being the official photographers of the Imperators domains. And if you make a movie starring these two I would probably pay money to see it. However, I do have a critique. There is no mention of a spoon full of sugar,how could you forget a spoon full of sugar?

    1. Dear Imperator, couldn't we both be official photographers? She can take the western hemisphere and I the eastern :) And If I ever make a movie starring Mercy and Stephen, I shall charge you money accordingly. And I sincerely apologize. A Spoonful of Sugar is one of my favorite songs from the movie, actually. I guess I sorta think of A Spoonful of Sugar together with when they clean their room by snapping their fingers.

  4. Rebekah, these pictures are amazing! There are so many of them that look like actual scenes from the movie. Mercy looks like a very proper Mary Poppins.
    I think my favorite picture is "Bert" and the penguins. Possibly because that was one of my favorite parts in the movie when I was little.

    Feet. Again. I guess I'll just have to get use to it...

    1. Thank you, Melody :) I am glad you liked them. Mercy was amazing as Mary. Her outfit was perfect :)
      Haha...that penguin picture is quite amusing. I never really got that part when I was was just this random guy dancing with these random penguins.
      And yes. Feet and shoes are cool.

  5. Yep...and you wonder how pictures can be intimidating?

    1. Well then...don't be so intimidated that you don't do your Les Mis pictures. I think I feel more excited about them then you do...haha. I can't wait to see how it all works out!

  6. Rebekah....fabulous!!! These are so cool! The costumes are excellent!! Great job :) :) ~Grace

    1. Thanks Grace! :) Mercy and Stephen both did their own costumes...they couldn't have done better! :)


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