Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 25 - Doubt [Aaron]

I took a little different spin on this week's word by 
taking the "impossible" version of doubt and making it a "reality."

Look at this amazing water-bottle bush! This plant has gone through lots of different tests by prestigious scientists all over the globe until the final modifications have been made to produced clean and filtered water from a simple seed. It even grows a completely recycled container for storage!
And the best part is... no watering is required! 

Now who said money can't grow on trees? Well, this picture clearly mis-proves that myth. With the perfect conditions, this money tree can most definitely yield any investor a profit. 


  1. Haha! Very creative spin, Aaron. I like it.

  2. That would be "disproves", Aaron. :)

    Do they make trees that grow money in larger amounts? Or does the amount increase the more the money matures?


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