Monday, January 20, 2014

January - Self-Portrait

No, we're not magalomaniacs or popinjays, generally. Yes, I used those words because there's a good likelihood that you don't know what they mean. In other words, we aren't particularly egotistical people. (If you don't know what that means, well, you should and you were already looking up megalomaniac, right?)

Still, our first project is entitled Self-Portrait.

But don't expect to see a big photo of someone smiling dorkily at the camera. By portrait, we really mean a portrait. As in the definition, "a verbal description or picture, especially of a person's character." Of course, we will focus on the picture aspect. Our intention is to capture something meaningful about the person we are photographing. In this case, ourselves.

So you won't just see a smiling face in a studio shot. You'll see serious faces, busy fingers, maybe even some feet. You might even see some pictures without someone in them at all. Our goal, though, is to give someone looking at these pictures all together an idea of who we are in character and personality, even if they never met us before.

Note: Here at the Visualization Project, our goal is to improve our photography skills. Part of this is encouraging each other and sharing ideas. However, each person will post their own work. This will include taking our own self-portraits. Still, for this particular assignment, other people's hands may be used, as long as the photographer is the one designing and directing the photograph. Nevertheless, creative tripod and timer use is encouraged.

We hope you find this an appropriate introduction to the members of the Visualization Project.

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