Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 13 - Foolery [Jeannette]

Foolery, a noun. Foolish behavior; an instance of this, especially a trick or a prank.

April Fool's Day inspired this word, of course. The past week it rather slipped my mind until the weekend. I apologize, as the pictures are of no quality.

I found a quote, but lost it again. It said something along the lines of a wise man spends time in foolery.

Though I didn't capture it with any of my pictures, playing this game with Josh is necessarily full of foolery. No picture and no words can quite describe his...Indian war cries, perhaps you could call them? These otherworldly cries, pounding the pool table, crazy racing about, hovering about the person taking his turn, exuberant rejoicing at desired outcomes all bespoke of foolery.

My sister's foolery is displayed below.

It's even better when you know that it was a complete failure: it worked on no one, but it did succeed in pulling the light cover down and shattering it on the floor.

Another example of foolery:

Eric told us the purple flower joke. If you've ever heard it, you know that it is itself foolery. If you've never heard it, you'll have to ask Eric and Jacob to repeat their performance, because you may never have heard a better bunch of foolery.

"He was lying before, but I know he's telling the truth now. I can read people."

"Are you saying that story wasn't true?!"

"The humorous story is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects that there is anything funny about it." - Mark Twain


  1. Dearest Jeannettie, there is no such thing as having no quality. Everything has quality. It is simply this- some things are of good quality, and others are of bad quality.

    This post amused me. Especially what you said about Josh.

    1. Dearest Rebekah, obviously. Bad was implied.

      Good. I am glad to hear it.

    2. That is, good was implied. Bad certainly was not.

    3. I'm sorry. When I wrote "the pictures are of no quality," that they were of no good quality was implied. Got it?

  2. First off, it did too work--on me, but then it wouldn't do it again, and I was afraid to try some more after the light broke...

    Second, I really like the pictures of Jacob and Eric. They capture the story telling quite well.

    Third, Rebekah, are you implying that Jeannette's pictures are of bad quality?

    Fourth, AYEYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIYI!!!! (Perhaps that should have been first, since it is supposed to be imitating Josh's yelling.:)

    1. Dearest Melody, I was not implying anything, good or bad. It merely amused me that Jeannette stated that her pictures had no quality, because that is not quite true of anything.

      Your imitation of Josh is rather accurate.

    2. Melody, first, I know it worked on you, but that doesn't count.

      Second and third, thank you.

      Fourthly, I considered writing something along those lines, and it helps you hear it in your mind if you've heard it before, but it still can't quite capture it.

      Always happy to amuse, Rebekah...


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