Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week 19 - Blue [Rebekah]

Calm, sophisticated, delightful. Enduring, placid, encouraging. Quaint, delicate, strong.
Blue is antique china plates tucked away in an old farmhouse cupboard. It's linen tablecloths draped across a rough-hewn table. It's an ocean deep, a river running wild. 
That's what I see blue as. I guess that's why it's my favorite color. It's just so lovely and complex.
So here's a picture that shows what I feel blue is.

By the way, I apologize for all of our late responses these last few weeks. I have become lazy in both choosing words to do, and carrying out my visions. Hopefully we will pick up again soon! (hint hint to the people in the VP)


  1. You are very talented, Rebekah! Awesome picture!

    1. Thanks, Aaron. I''m the best in the whole world and now one can stop me.

    2. That was Josh, by the way. I knew something was going to happen when I left my comment half-finished.

    3. Haha. I was wondering about that. I was afraid that maybe your dicatorshipness was starting to show.. ;)


What did you think about this post? What was your favorite picture? Here at The Visualization Project, we love comments and feedback from people like you. Let us know what you thought!