Thursday, April 25, 2013

Week 16 - Saturation [Rebekah]

Saturation. Color. Here's what I've got for you this week!

 Thanks to Abby for wearing that awesome red coat, and to Parker for taking a picture in exactly the right spot.

What was your favorite picture? Or what was your favorite part about the post?


  1. I much like the map, and obviously Parker's picture and Abby's coat are awesome. The paint squares is a clever idea, and you know I think the tree picture is sweet. But as far as saturation goes, my favorite and the most striking I think may be the basketball hoop.

    1. Thank you, Jeannettie. I would definitely agree with you- the basketball hoop picture is the most saturated. I love that blue sky.

  2. How come none of them say "saturation" on them?

    1. Deanna, Deanna. Always looking on the downside ;) The reason is because I am having technical difficulties with Photoshop, and that's usually what I use to put words on a picture. I have downloaded a different photo editing software since I published this post, so the next post shall have a word on it.

  3. I love the color or these! The basketball one is obviously awesome. And the map one is cool too. I also really like how you used chalk and the color swat!

    1. Thanks, Aaron! I like color swats, and I was glad that I was able to use one in a post. In fact, I have a collection of them...they're so fun. Where is your post for saturation?

    2. Your welcome. Haha, ME TOO! They are soo cool! And what an awesome idea to collect them!
      I know, I know...I'm reeeeally late. But they're up now.


What did you think about this post? What was your favorite picture? Here at The Visualization Project, we love comments and feedback from people like you. Let us know what you thought!