Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week 6 - Glad [Jeannette]


Thinking about glad, I wanted to do eyes. Eyes relay gladness perhaps more than anything else, even as much as smiles. A fake smile can be attempted, but radiant eyes are inimitable.

I don't know if that's actually true, but it sounds smart.

Really I wanted to do eyes, because when I thought of glad, a picture I had taken last summer came to mind. That is kind of funny, since when I actually saw the picture, I realized you can't really see her eyes. Anyway, this to me summarizes glad.

But of course I needed to take some this week. The eye ones I tried to take didn't work out as I had visualized them because I needed to get closer than my 50mm lens could.

 So I had to think of something else, though they do look glad, don't they?

Then, the next day I went to Kid's Club. I took a picture of a kid, and suddenly I realized: of course. Kid's Club. What better place to take glad pictures?

Few things are as glad as kids.

Few things make me more glad than Kid's Club.

I'm sorry; there are a lot this week. How can you not include kids?

As soon as I had taken this picture, I knew it epitomized gladness. It's written all over her face.

Isn't she adorable? Don't you just have to stare at that picture a couple times? I never get tired of it.

The following picture is blurry, I know, but she was so joyfully bouncing, with such gladness I couldn't resist.

I know there are other, more creative ways to portray gladness, but to me, a face is what comes to mind. It is humans who are glad, and the face that demonstrates that joy.

Three more glad kids:


What did you think about this post? What was your favorite picture? Here at The Visualization Project, we love comments and feedback from people like you. Let us know what you thought!