Thursday, January 10, 2013

Week два - Silence [Parker]

So apparently one of our readers knows Russian numbers. I was going to change the language so as to make sure everyone is confused but right now I don't care enough. If one of you wants to suggest a language you don't know feel free to do so.

The idea for this week's pictures came to me rather randomly. I am pleased with it because it worked out better than just about any other planned picture I have taken. This one required just a bit of setup.

Cheers to Isaac for being such a willing participant.


  1. I told Jeannette and Rebekah they should take a picture of someone with duct tape on their mouth. They didn't want to. Glad you did it. :-)

  2. Parker! That's almost exactly what I'm doing :O

  3. You all might have thought of doing it but I got there first. Now the rest of you are just copying me.

  4. Excuse me, Deanna, but I liked the idea and that is what I was planning on doing as soon as you said it.

  5. Excuse me, Jeannette, you may have liked the idea, but you told me you weren't going to do it. :P

  6. Maybe I did, but if so it was a literary device of sorts.

  7. Ok children, stop quarreling. I am pleased to say that I never had any intention of taking a picture involving duck tape, and so Parker's post has not affected me in the least. The rest of you will just either have to go on with your original plan and be seen as copy cats, or think of something else :)


What did you think about this post? What was your favorite picture? Here at The Visualization Project, we love comments and feedback from people like you. Let us know what you thought!